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Jinzhou Sinopec highlights professional leadership to create characteristic products

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On July 12, Jinzhou Sinopec adopted the method of 24-hour continuous loading, striving to achieve the maximum output of 40,000 tons of ship fuel in that month, so as to alleviate the product output pressure.

In the face of the situation that the processing load of crude oil is reduced and the product sales plan is reduced, Jinzhou Petrochemical Company guides the optimization of production and marketing through accurate benefit calculation, reduces the deviation between the actual processing quantity and the planned quantity, and refines the product index to meet the market demand. optimize the technological process to achieve all catalytic dry gas into the styrene plant processing, increasing the output of ethylbenzene by 30 tons per day.

In the second half of the year, while carrying out all kinds of benchmarking work in an orderly manner, the company will also highlight five key tasks, that is, highlight the change of thinking, take the initiative to find a new way out, highlight professional guidance, optimize production adjustment, and highlight structural advantages. continue to give full play to the competitiveness of non-oil products, strive to achieve people without me, people have our advantages, highlight the science of indicators, eliminate prediction deviation.Highlight the quality and benefit, deepen the communication and resonance with the target users, expand the scope and intensity of cooperation, in addition to polyethylene, polypropylene resin, to create characteristic products.

We have maintained our principles – to add value to our customers and provide service in all aspects of our business.

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