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Accelerate the production of medical materials!

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In August, the epidemic situation in COVID-19 rebounded in many places. Lanzhou Petrochemical Company took the initiative to fulfill the responsibility of large state-owned enterprises, and increased the production and shipment of RP260, an epidemic prevention medical material. In August, a total of 4,852.75 tons of RP260 medical material was produced, which met the production demand of customers to the maximum extent.


RP260 medical material produced by Lanzhou Petrochemical Company is the main raw material for epidemic prevention medical devices. In the face of the rebounding COVID-19 epidemic, Lanzhou Petrochemical strictly implemented the epidemic prevention and control policies and measures, implemented the two-point and one-line epidemic prevention and control requirements of "unit-place of residence", compacted the "four-party" responsibilities of territories, departments, units and individuals, and killed offices, production sites, transport vehicles, purchasing materials, etc. every day. Foreign personnel were supervised according to the regulations of "whoever approves and who uses is responsible", which effectively curbed the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. On the other hand, increase the production and shipment of RP260, timely adjust the production plan of RP260 according to market demand, increase the output of RP260, carefully organize production, optimize the production plan and workflow, adjust and confirm 14 control measures in eight aspects according to the special control plan of "one product, one policy", and constantly improve and refine the conversion plan, carefully operate and strengthen the control of the production process, thus realizing the stable and high yield of RP260.

We have maintained our principles – to add value to our customers and provide service in all aspects of our business.

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